The DuPage Art League is a not-for-profit art school and gallery. Our aim is to promote and encourage the visual arts through classes, workshops, gallery exhibits, free public fine arts programs, exhibits by our artists in numerous commercial and public buildings, and financial endowments to public institutions of arts education and scholarships to students. All donations and gifts to the League are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.
The DuPage Art League was founded in the spring of 1957 by Anne Miller, Ruth Watkins, Myra Bakke, Lee Jens, and Carole Fischer. Meetings and classes were held in the reception room of an animal hospital.
As an interest in art programs and membership grew, the need for larger quarters led the League to the former Ivan Albright studio in an old church in Warrenville in 1959. In 1959, the League was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization by the original founders, with its stated purpose “to promote art consciousness and provide a meeting place for painting sessions and kindred arts.” The Internal Revenue Service also granted 501 (c) (3) status to the League as an institution “organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes.”
As membership grew and space became inadequate, the League rented the Wheaton Park District building at Main Street and Roosevelt Road and moved in 1966. The year 1970 found us in a new location, 303 West Front Street, Wheaton. The building where we occupied the first floor and lower level the Green Thumb Florist) is gone. Community Bank now occupies the space.
1974, the site at 219 West Front Street was acquired and we moved into our first permanent home in January 1975. This acquisition was made possible through the generous contributions of League founders and members, particularly the late Arthur and Lee Jens who were extraordinary in their support of the League over the years.
League members volunteered innumerable hours of labor to transform the retail shop into the School and Art Gallery, which was open to the public. From its beginning, all the activities of the League have been staffed by volunteers.
In 1981, a larger classroom was added to the building and in 1984 and 1991, the gallery space was remodeled. In May 1996, the League purchased and renovated the former religious gift store across the street at 218 West Front Street. The city of Wheaton purchased our original property for the planned redevelopment of the downtown area.
In 2001, the space was remodeled to add a larger second classroom. The facility now includes a large main gallery, a smaller gallery for one-person shows, an area that displays prints, ceramics, jewelry and other small items, two classrooms, a workroom, a meeting room, library, and office space.
In August 2010, we installed a computerized Point of Sale system, streamlining our whole way of processing and handling sales.
In 2016, major repairs were needed to both the bow trusses and the roof. We updated both bathrooms and made the front bathroom ADA compliant. We secured a 3 year lease on 225 W. Front Street, so we could continue to hold classes while the art league was closed for repairs.
We are continuing to gather funds to pay for additional repairs, computer upgrades and HVAC replacements. If you would like to make a donation, please make checks payable to: The DuPage Art League and on the memo line note, “Donation”. fine craft items including pottery, jewelry, sculpture, small paintings, prints, and wearable fiber arts.
Gallery Hours
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 9am – 2pm
Closed Sunday and Holidays