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Take Art Courses! Our School offers workshops and classes in acrylics, pastels, oils, watercolor, block printing, various drawing skills and more taught by exceptional instructors teach. Members receive discounts on classes.

Our Fine Art Shop and Exhibition galleries showcase a large selection of works. Exhibit up to 2 pieces monthly with no exhibition fee. Gallery II Exhibits featuring selected artists change monthly, with opening receptions each month.

Member Events
Take Part in Member Events. DPAL presents several events each year that bring visitors and the local community together. Demonstrations in various mediums take place in the monthly programs. All events are dedicated to discovery, learning and sharing through the arts.

As a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, we depend upon the support of our volunteers. Consider donating your talent by joining our corps of volunteers, our VIPs – Vitally Important People. There are many ways you can become involved and join the fun.
Membership Qualifications
Regular membership is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. Student memberships are available for students ages 14 – 17. Memberships are also available to individuals, organizations and businesses that are interested in supporting the DuPage Art League. The membership year runs from January 1 through December 31.
Mid-year memberships are available at half-price from July 1 through December 31. A limited number of memberships are available at no fee on a special needs basis.
Member Benefits
Members receive a discount on class fees. They also are eligible to exhibit up to two pieces in each monthly show with no exhibition fee. (In January through October, some restrictions apply. See the Activity Schedule for details). Members receive our monthly newsletter by mail or email. And they are eligible to attend a number of special “Members Only” events.
Membership Categories
Student (age 14-17) – $20
Individual – $50 [Half year – $25]
Family (2 at same address) – $60 [Half year – $30]
Sustaining (includes family membership) – $100
Life (One time fee) – $350
Business/Corporate – $350