COLORFUL CLAY MODELING AND ANIMATION       J  ZEUCH (Zoik) Tuesday Afternoons 4:15PM – 5:45PM ………K-WS25-ZEUC-1B      Feb 25, Mar 4, 11, 18 25, (no class Apr 1), Apr 8


Come and create colorful small clay sculptures of your choosing, dragons to dragonflies, bunnies to bananas, TVs to toasters, in other words anything! Let your imagination soar and be inspired by others around you in this class.  In the last ½ of the session, a clay animation video including background set, will be produced together as a class.
Bring your imagination and if possible, a shoe box. (Ages 7-13)

9 in stock


COLORFUL CLAY MODELING AND ANIMATION Tuesday Afternoons Max Class Size: 15
J Zeuch 4:15PM – 5:45PM
Come and create colorful small clay sculptures of your choosing, dragons to dragonflies, bunnies to bananas, TVs
to toasters, in other words anything! Let your imagination soar and be inspired by others around you in this class.
In the last ½ of the session, a clay animation video including background set, will be produced together as a class.
Bring your imagination and if possible, a shoe box. (Ages 7-13)
K-WS25-ZEUC-1B Feb 25, Mar 4, 11, 18 25, (no class Apr 1), Apr 8


*Parents, when signing up online, please leave Child’s or Children’s Names in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION box on the checkout page.

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