DORRELL-Oil Painting-COLOR AND LIGHT (Oil or Acrylic) ……Tuesday PM ….      1:00-3:30PM. ….WS25-DORR-2A Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11


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OIL PAINTING: COLOR AND LIGHT      Tuesday Afternoons      Max Class Size: 10
M Dorrell                                                 1:00-3:30PM          Adults and Teens 15 

Learn how to stop struggling with color mixing. Beginners to advance welcome. We will review how to problem-solve when a color mix goes “off.” Painters benefit from individual feedback on work and guidance on specific goals. Come and have fun while you gain an understanding of color. Work from photos provided or from your own images. Oil and Acrylic. B.I.A. 

WS25-DORR-2A      Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11

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